Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Wisdom of Elvis



I’m proud to say that my kindergarten daughter is an Elvis fan. She loves Elvis movies, which we watch together, she listens to Elvis music, and she also has an Elvis calender with a different Elvis picture for every day of the year. The fact that she likes Elvis so much shows me I’m doing at least something right as a parent. If I can get my kids to like Drive-In movies from the 50's it’ll be a home run. But there is a fun thing in the Elvis calender. On certain pages it says Thoughts by Elvis, and it has a quote of some kind. And some of the quotes are pretty interesting.

Here’s a thought from Elvis that I especially like...

“Singers come and go, but if you're a good actor, you can last a long time”

Peace to you.

© LW Publishing 2010

1 comment:

  1. "The fact that she likes Elvis so much shows me I’m doing at least something right as a parent."



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